1. Greeting : Hello, my name is __________ and welcome to our step check-in meeting. It is brief and focuses on the step of the month. (ex. 5th month = 5th step) We open with the serenity prayer and read on the step of the month from any Conference Approved Alanon literature and then share.
The last week of the month the chair may decide to study the tradition or concept of the month.
Our format is available at: http://afg-945am-step.blogspot.com/
2. Opening: Let's open with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer. All who wish to may join in by pressing *1 to unmute themselves.
3. Announcements: This meeting is new and evolving are there any Al-Anon or meeting related announcements?
3.5 Are there any new comers? press star one to un mute yourself if you wish to say hello. (pause for ten seconds)
4. Reading and sharing: Can we have volunteer (or chair) do a reading using any Conference Approved Alanon literature on the step of the month? Please state the book and page you are using. After the reading members may share or read a passage if they want. We can ask for phone numbers at the end.
This meeting may NOT have a time keeper please try to limit your sharing to 3 (or 4 min if less than 5 members).
Please be mindful of the other members waiting to share. However, members MAY share more than once, if time allows, after everyone has had a chance to share.
Gentle reminder: Please keep your comments focused on yourself. Subjects or topics heard in other people's shares, MAY be mentioned but not references to the individual's share. Again please keep the focus on yourself.
Is there someone who needs to share before we read?
Who would like to read ?
Who would like to share?
(AFTER SHARING) Thank all who shared
9. Closing prayer : (optional) -Alanon declaration
Serenity prayer
11. The meeting is now closed.
Does anyone need a phone number?